It’s A Whole New World Out There!


When this whole COVID thing started and I would occasionally leave my house for takeout, everywhere I went with everyone wearing masks I would say “Man, this is a weird world we live in.” Now I feel the opposite way, I see people without masks, and I think, “Why aren’t they wearing a mask!!!”

Well, they made it official in my county this week with cases spiking, we are on a mandatory mask-wearing in public places order with a monetary repercussion if you are out without a mask. So, now that wearing a face mask is the “new normal” I thought I would share a few tips on saving your skin under your mask because Mask Acne is a real thing!

-Wash your face thoroughly, before and after wearing a mask

-Wear a mask that is 100% cotton

-Minimize your makeup and use comedogenic products

-Wash your beauty tools

I know wearing a mask isn’t the most fun, but it’s for everyone’s protection, so we can move forward and reduce the risk of Covid for everyone.


Peace, Love, and Pretty Masks



Jenna McDonough

Hi I’m Jenna McDonough. My passion has always been for writing and beauty, and I feel incredibly blessed to combine the two, to help beauty businesses grow their brand with informational, high quality, exciting, and succinct content.


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