
Longer, Stronger, Fuller Hair from a Shampoo, and it actually works! - Yes Please!

Two years ago, I was 7 months out from having my hair broken off 1-2 inches from the root, in the entire interior portion of my hair. I was getting a high light blonde bleach color every 6 weeks with additional blonde highlights in between the high lift blonde bleaching appointments. My hair was a mess, and the future didn’t look good with all the over-processing. My hairstylist at the time made it abundantly clear that something had to stop to give my hair a break and the rest it needed.


She confided that she too had damage and hair loss. She understood how I felt and I asked her, how she got her natural hair to grow back. She said Zenagen Shampoo. She told me about the products and said look it up, read the reviews, I’ve only ever been able to find one negative review. I looked and to this day, I have yet to read a negative review about the Zenagen Hair Care products. If that isn’t impactful enough, keep reading.

I started using the Zenagen Evolve shampoo and conditioner and after one wash saw an improvement, and with 2.5 months I was able to get my hair to the point of being able to go without extensions for the summer. I was hooked and have been using it every other day ever since.

I was fortunate enough, not only to meet some of the Zenagen Team at the Beauty Show in June 2019, but also to be able to take classes and learn not only about the Zenagen products and how they worked, but also learn about the causes of hair loss and damage. Now, I am not a science person, it was always my least favorite subject in school, but the science behind hair… I was hooked. I became a beauty nerd and looked forward to our weekly classes throughout the lockdown of 2020.

The product is so super simple to use because you already wash your hair! So what’s entailed in getting your hair growing longer, stronger, and fuller. You wash your hair just like you normally would, but you leave the shampoo to sit on your scalp for a full 5 minutes, I suggest grabbing this waterproof timer to keep in your shower. Then you apply the conditioner to your hair and scalp, The conditioner is 20% of the treatment, so don’t skip this step! However, it only has to sit for 60 seconds to 5 minutes. I personally try to make the time for the full 5 minutes and use it as more of a treatment.  Before you know it, your hair will be growing back fuller, or growing longer and stronger!


I hosted an IG Live with Zenagen Hair’s Director of Education Jennifer Watson! We covered anything and everything, including questions from our followers, specific scenarios, and exactly how it all works!

Click Here to read the transcript.

Or, keep reading here for my personal experience!

So what makes Zenagen Hair Care so special?

Well, the founder Jared Reynolds was in medical school when his own hair started to thin and shed, that’s when he started his research on hair loss. Jared learned that high-quality nutraceuticals and an effective delivery were necessary for hair regrowth, and so he began developing Zenagen Hair Care.


Now the most important thing you need to know about hair loss and growth without getting into all the science is about DHT. DHT is short for dihydrotestosterone, which is an androgen hormone that is present in the hair follicle. DHT causes your hair to weaken because it stops the vital blood flow to the hair follicle which causes it to stop producing hair. DHT is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women.

 Zenagen cleanses and removes DHT and also blocks its future production so that your hair can grow back thicker, fuller, and healthier!

The difference between Zenagen and why it actually works while other products don’t is because it penetrates deep into your scalp all the way down to your hair follicle, unlike other products that only reach the upper layers of the epidermis.  Zenagen products are all-natural, vegan, and cruelty-free. They use the power of greens and powerful anti-aging ingredients to provide hair loss solutions. Zenagen treats all types of hair loss and restores youthful fullness, density, shine, and manageability to damaged hair.

Now, Zenagen has two Shampoo and Conditioner lines and complementary styling products.

The Evolve Line

The Evolve Line is for hair repair and growth acceleration. It encourages the growth of longer, stronger, and healthier hair while repairing damage and preventing more damage in the future. This line is perfect for the bleach blondes and anyone who has chemical or heat damage. The Evolve line uses nutraceuticals to keep your hair in the growth stage longer, help reduce the shedding stage, and increase turnover so your hair grows 40% faster!


The Revolve Line

The Revolve Line is for men and women experiencing hair loss, pattern baldness, post-pregnancy hair loss, chemotherapy hair loss, and other common types of hair shedding and thinning. It is a botanical-based shampoo and conditioner system that stops pattern baldness and thinning hair at the source. Zenagen uses nutraceuticals and anti-aging ingredients that remove DHT, because if you remember this is the main(95%) culprit in hair loss.

The Revolve line offers a men’s and women’s formula shampoo and a unisex conditioner. What’s extra special about this product is that it can be used preventively as well!

Zenagen also has a volumizing styling line called Boost.

Boost is described as “advanced hair thickening technology meets superior styling” according to the Zenagen website. How cool is that! I can personally attest that the boost line just does that! Not only does it give your hair a volumizing boost, but it also gives your confidence a boost too while you are in the hair repair phase. Not only does it make your thin hair look fuller it also provides that same amazing growth technology as their signature shampoo systems, so you are helping your hair health while you style. If that’s not a win-win I don’t know what is.

If you are looking to grow your hair longer and stronger, re-grow your hair, prevent hair loss, or just fatten up your strands in general then Zenagen is the product for you. I love these products and outside of how effective they are, I’m confident that not only am I doing something healthy for my hair, I also know that it’s healthy for the rest of me because their products are made from botanicals, nutraceuticals, making them totally safe and natural.

Want to learn more about Zenagen and the science behind it? Check out my Instagram Live with Zenagen Educator Jennifer Watson.

When you are ready to try Zenagen for yourself, they have been kind enough to provide me with a 20% discount code to all my readers, so use code: Jenna20 to scoop up your shampoo today. I’m telling you, this is the product you have been waiting for!

Use Code: Jenna20 at Checkout for 20% Off!


Peace, Love, and Longer Stronger Hair,



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Zenagen Haircare ProductsCode: Jenna20

Zenagen Haircare Products

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Jenna McDonough

Hi I’m Jenna McDonough. My passion has always been for writing and beauty, and I feel incredibly blessed to combine the two, to help beauty businesses grow their brand with informational, high quality, exciting, and succinct content.


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