Damage Control

If you have read my blog posts or followed me on social media, you may already know what lead me to start wearing hair extensions and then how and why I started my brand. 

However, I currently wear hair extensions for another reason, and I’m going to step outside my comfort zone and share with you today why that is. I think it’s important for me to be authentic and transparent with all my customers, and I think some of you might even be able to relate.

I started wearing hair extensions because I wanted my hair to be longer and look like it did when I got married for my 10-year anniversary vow renewal.  A big part of the reason I cut my hair short in the first place was that during my second pregnancy my hair became very limp and stringy. Once I moved into the postpartum phase I started to shed some of my hair as well. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to this! However, my husband has always loved my hair short, so I decided to cut it and switch it up a little bit. Plus, it was super trendy to have short hair at this moment in time.

However, about a year ago I got really sick from some seared tuna that I ate. I mean really sick… like all I could eat for 8 months was white rice. I started to lose a lot of weight and it took several doctors, tests, and treatments to figure out exactly what was going on and to get me to start feeling better.

Well, 8 months of white rice, and a total lack of nutrients, took its toll on my body and unfortunately also my hair. Not to mention the stress of being sick all the time and no one being able to help you or figure out what was wrong, so my hair started to break off. I’ve spent YEARS now trying to get my hair to grow longer, but it just wouldn’t happen because of the stress my body was going through.

In much happier news, I am feeling exponentially better! I have the best doctor who has helped me so much and has me on the right track. I look and feel better and healthier and I’m hopeful that now my hair will start growing again and stop breaking. In that effort, I have decided to go a little darker and more natural to give my hair every opportunity to grow and get healthy again.

If it wasn’t for my hair extensions, I couldn’t have gotten through those 8 months, and I wouldn’t be able to be nearly as confident as I am now. I really realized how important my hair was to me and would stay awake at night feeling so depressed about what was happening to my hair. I just don’t feel like myself without some length and fullness. My hair gives me strength, power, and makes me feel feminine in a way that an outfit, great purse, or killer jewelry just can’t. I’m so grateful to have had the ability to wear hair extensions during this difficult period in my life and to be able to provide other women the same support and ability to help them feel better about themselves if they are going through a similar situation.


As always feel free to reach out with questions and comments!

With gratitude and hope for growing all our hair longer and stronger!


Jenna McDonough

Hi I’m Jenna McDonough. My passion has always been for writing and beauty, and I feel incredibly blessed to combine the two, to help beauty businesses grow their brand with informational, high quality, exciting, and succinct content.


Time to Pivot


How HMF Hair Extensions Came To Be…